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Speaking to a potential convert to the Church recently, I brought up the subject of the many and various problems with American democracy...

Secularizing the Schools

I do not run in the circles that have anything to do with public school, so this was a new one to me. Apparently, there is an elementary...

How to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy (3)

The other thing that the Trent Catechism tells us that is necessary for the sanctification of Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation is that...

How to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy (2)

Although, as I said, I am not providing a list of "you can do this" and "you cannot do that" for the Christian Sabbath, I will lay out...

How to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy (1)

The Christian Sabbath of Sunday is a development from what the Lord gave the Jews in the Old Testament. One way to point this out is to...

Keep the Sabbath Day Holy

The other night in RCIA Catechism class, we spoke about the Church's Precept to assist at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. It...

The Storms

"I know well that the greater and more beautiful the work is, the more terrible will be the storms that rage against it." St. Faustina

Needs (2)

I wrote about the needs of men yesterday. Today I want to point out the needs of women. As I said yesterday, both men and women can do...

Needs (1)

Men and women may do similar things at times, but men and women need different things. This is the way God created us, and it is the way...

Voting on Truth

It appears that the citizens in our own state of Missouri are going to be allowed to vote this November on whether to overturn the...

Who's to Blame?

Have you ever tried to avoid being blamed for something? We all have at one point or another in our lives. Even little children do it...

Two Ways of Being Froward

I speak often about the sin of frowardness; mostly because it is so extremely prevalent today. Having encountered it recently in two...

The End is Near

What happens when the majority of the world rejects truth? What happens when the majority of the world accepts the vile lies of the...


"Whatever good we see in ourselves, let us ascribe it to God and not to ourselves". St Bede the Venerable

Training, part 2

Now, as follow up to yesterday's post: I want to do some DEI training. Diversity: "As many of you as were baptized into Christ have put...

Training, part 1

I considered doing some LGBT...ABC...XYZ...PDQ...ALPHABETSOUP tolerance training. Yes, you read that right. Let us start with Genesis 19;...


In my room here at the retreat house, there are two "bibles". I use lower-case and quotation marks because I am hesitant to refer to them...

God in Everything

I am currently on my annual spiritual retreat and, yes, I am writing this post. No, it is not taking me away from my retreat, it is a...

"As wise as a god"

In Mass today, the first reading was from the prophet Ezekiel. He tells us there that God knows when rulers and politicians exalt...

Bad News and Good News

If your doctor does not really know what is wrong with you, would you trust him to give you a prescription? Probably not, because what he...

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