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False Teachers

“The same false teachers who try to dim the luster of conjugal faith and purity do not scruple to do away with the honorable and trusting...

Priests Speaking the Truth

There is a "home blood type test" that you can buy online. It is supposed to give you everything necessary to find out what your blood...

Caring for the Poor

A Catholic friend once told me that only the Democratic Party cares about the poor, and so it was a grave sin for a Catholic to vote for...

Worshiping Like the Apostles

Today's Mass reading from the book of Hebrews is powerful. Powerful enough to make me realize, many years ago, that I was falling short...

Praying (sort of)

We Catholics really enjoy our pre-written prayers; and we should. Knowing that someone holier than us has taken the time carefully to...

Mistaken Information

I read an article recently about motorcycles (I know, "surprise, surprise"). The subject of the article was not really the important...


With the news all buzzing about the midair collision in DC last Wednesday, we are hearing many comments; not all of which are...

Many Sufferings

"If God sends you many sufferings, it is a sign that He has great plans for you and certainly wants to make you a saint." St. Ignatius...

Bishop Strickland on Immigration

There is much discussion today about immigration, and many of you have probably heard the American Bishops speaking about "defending the...


Have you ever, even once, heard someone say (seriously) that he liked being sick? Many tolerate it (some, of course, do not), but I...

"God arranged..."

There are a wealth of arguments in the Catholic faith that speak against transgenderism; doctrinal, biblical, philosophical, and social....

Our Security

The Pope is not perfect. The Pope makes mistakes. The Pope sins. The Pope says things he should not say. Now, to which Pope am I...

Don't Get Numb

Do you realize how hard it is to make fun of stupidity in a society that is filled with stupidity? No one laughs at stupidity much any...

Looking for a "Trick"

People today, generally, like to find the easier way to do something but the easier way is not always the best way. I have tried to show...

Half a Saint

"You cannot be half a saint; you must be a whole saint or no saint at all." St. Therese of Lisieux

Willing to Change?

If a woman believed that her husband really liked her cooking, we can presume that she would continue cooking the same way for him. She...

Hating Our President

She is not a Bishop. That much should be perfectly clear to anyone who understands the history of Christianity and the establishment of...

Praying for Our President

I have wondered quite frequently since the presidential election last year if various attacks were going to come against our new...

"Walking Together"

I hear a lot of talk these days (from many different sources) about the need for priests to "walk together with their people" (which is...

St. George Catholic Church, 1404 E Hines St, Republic, Missouri, Phone:(417) 732-2018, Email Here 


Crest of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter
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