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The St. Gregory's Prayer Book


At St. George Catholic Church, we provide everything you need for worship, which can be easily found in the pews. There is never a need to purchase anything to fit right in with our parish community. However, for those who wish to live a more integrated devotional life at home which incorporates our Medieval English Patrimony, we recommend the St. Gregory's Prayer Book. This particular prayer book contains a complete volume of Catholic tradition, devotions and prayers in the English Patrimony, as approved by the Ordinariate. This book will allow you to live our customs in your home, at work, and while travelling. It's designed for busy families. The Mass liturgy contained herein is consistent with all liturgies used throughout the Ordinariate, including the one used at St. George. So this book is designed to be taken with you to church, as well as used in your personal life. It also contains an abridged version of the Daily Office (Morning & Evening Prayer), the collects and proper for the Church year, according to the Ordinariate calendar, and a selection of psalms (one for each day of the month). The idea behind this is to make the Daily Office shorter and therefore more accessible to busy families with children. Also included in this prayer book...


  • An Outline of Duties of the Christian Life

  • Common Forms of Prayer & Professions of Faith

  • Various Prayers & Intercessions

  • Devotions for Days of the Week & Hours of the Day

  • Devotions for the Morning

  • Devotions for Midday

  • Devotions for the Evening

  • A Selection of Psalms

  • Divine Worship Collects

  • Devotions for the Church Year

  • Penitential Devotions & the Sacrament of Penance

  • Devotions for Holy Communion: Prayers Before & After Mass

  • Prayers at Mass: People's Order of Mass – Divine Worship: The Missal

  • Eucharistic Devotions & Visits to the Blessed Sacrament

  • Devotions to the Holy Trinity

  • Devotions to Our Lord Jesus Christ

  • Devotions to the Holy Spirit

  • Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Devotions to the Saints & Angels

  • Devotions for the Sanctification of Sickness & Death

  • Devotions for the Faithful Departed

  • Prayers for Various Occasions & Intentions

  • Emergency Baptism


It's an all-in-one devotional. While it is not necessary to purchase this prayer book, this is the one we recommend if you are so inclined to buy one for your family. Ignatius Press is the publisher.

St. George Catholic Church, 1404 E Hines St, Republic, Missouri, Phone:(417) 732-2018, Email Here 


Crest of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter
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