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Give to St. George Catholic Church


Your generous offering gives you a vital share in St. George Catholic Church's mission to make known the love and salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Help us extend our ministry throughout the City of Republic and Greene County, so we can go even further making new disciples of Jesus.


Currently, we use PayPal for all of our online donations. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation. If you do not have a PayPal account, please make note that PayPal will process the transaction, and your receipt will still display the PayPal logo. Simply click the "Donate" button below to begin the giving process. You can make this a one-time donation, or you can check the box to make it a recurring monthly donation.



If you are a regular member of St. George, you may wish to consider the bank-draft option at your local bank or credit union. Most financial institutions will schedule regular donations to your church, per your specifications, by sending a check directly from your bank, or credit union, to your church at no cost whatsoever. There are usually no fees associated with this service, so you can insure that every penny of your donation is making it to St. George. Many members at St. George choose the bank-draft option, and sometimes financial institutions will let you set-up this service online through a "bill pay" feature on their websites.


As for cash donations, we encourage them to be placed in an envelope with the family's name written somewhere on it. If needed, more contact information can be placed inside the envelope for tax deduction purposes. By dropping your cash donations into the collection plate using an envelope with your contact information, we can insure that you receive proper credit for annual income tax filings.
All checks should be made payable to St. George Catholic Church, and placed in the collection plate, or sent to...


St. George Catholic Church

645 S Assisi Way,
Republic, MO 65738, USA



Did you know that your Amazon purchases can help support St. George parish? If you access Amazon through, 0.5% of all eligible Amazon purchases go to St George! Everything about your Amazon purchase remains the same; same products, same Prime discounts and delivery, same regular discounts and delivery, even if you're not a Prime member. Nothing changes on your end. Simply follow the link below to "Amazon Smile" and set it as your new bookmark. Then, make sure Amazon Smile is activated in the Amazon shopping App on your mobile phone to make sure all of your future purchases are done on Amazon Smile. The link below will set St George as your Charitable organization so no need to go hunting for it from their list of millions of organizations. You can continue to use Amazon as you always have, and also know that a portion of your purchase is returned to your parish.

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