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Writer's pictureFr. Seraiah

What Will We Do?

I am so glad that I am not a prophet. Prophets have revelation given to them directly by God. Prophets have ecstatic experiences that are beyond their understanding. Prophets speak to God's people and tell them challenging (and sometimes downright offensive) messages about what God wants of them. Prophets get martyred; a lot.

Yeah, I am glad that I am not a prophet. Not so much for the last detail (martyrdom), but for the first detail (revelation). Yes, we all get tempted to want to know what is "above our pay grade"; and many of us will even speculate about these things out of a desire to figure out on our own those things that God has chosen not to tell us.

My tendency, however, when it comes to many of these issues about our future is to say, "because I do not know, then I do not need to spend time fretting about it". It is not as though I do not care, but that I have learned (yes, the hard way) that speculation is rarely a good thing, and when we allow speculation to run in our minds, it creates in us a discontent that always leads to sin.

Will Pope Francis ban the Latin Mass? I do not know. Will he ban the Mass of the Ordinariate (the Divine Worship Mass)? I do not know. Will he make it hard for us to practice the faith in accord with our forefathers who lived way back in the ancient past (before 1965)? I do not know.

If Pope Francis does these things, how will we survive? We will be faithful and trust Christ to conquer His enemies and grant His people the grace to persevere. What will we do if the Mass that nourishes our faith is banned by the Holy Father who is supposed to help us keep the faith? We will be faithful and trust Christ to conquer His enemies and grant His people the grace to persevere. If we are left in dark about our future, what will we do so that we do not compromise the truth? We will be faithful and trust Christ to conquer His enemies and grant His people the grace to persevere. Need I say more?


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