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"The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it."

Flannery O’Connor


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Numbing the Spiritual Senses

Sometimes it can be very hard for people to appreciate reverence. It is kind of like appreciating a good wine or classical music. Depending on how much bad wine, or cheap music one has imbibed, it can


A cardiologist friend once gave a good response to someone who was grumbling about her prescribed treatment. “Do I have to take these pills forever?”, the patient asked. “No,” the doctor said, “Just

Never Compromise

I was asked recently to attend a "get together" with a number of Protestants. The intent was for all of us to "come together as equals" who have the "same goals". I looked at a list of their objective

St. George Catholic Church, 1404 E Hines St, Republic, Missouri, Phone:(417) 732-2018, Email Here 

Crest of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter
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