Do protestants spend far too much time focused on Scripture and not enough time on Jesus Himself? I cannot speak for every single one of them, but having been in numerous protestant circles, I would say that is largely the case.
Do Catholics spend for too little time focused on Scripture and not enough time understanding Jesus Himself? Again, I cannot speak for every one of them, but I have met and spoken to many Catholics -- both those under my care, and others -- and I would say that is the case as well.
In today's gospel Jesus speaks of Scripture this way: "truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished". Is that how most Catholics think of Scripture? As though every single word will be fulfilled exactly as Jesus says? I think they do. Yet, their faith would be much more powerful, and truly more well grounded if they actually knew what those same Scriptures say!