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Writer's pictureFr. Seraiah

So-called "Science"

I recall once discussing theology with a (cradle) Catholic (who was about 70 years old at the time). I mentioned a specific position of the Church that is not popular today (which one is not significant). The Catholic said, "do you really believe that now that science has proved the Church wrong there?"

I have quoted this passage from the first Vatican Council documents before, but it bears repeating (because we really need to get this implanted deeply into our hearts and minds). Here it is:

"If any one shall say that it is possible that, with the progress of science, a sense may ever be given to the doctrines proposed by the Church, other than that which the Church has understood and understands, let him be anathema" (Sess. III, can. iv). [emphasis mine]

Notice, please, that it is not claiming a rejection of a change in doctrine (that is a foregone conclusion: to change doctrine is to cease to be Catholic); it rejects giving a different "sense" of a doctrine. We are talking about minor things, like slight nuances: they are condemned . . . outright . . . completely. In other words, no doctrine can be given a different sense or even a slight twist because of a scientific discovery; ever. It is not the ideas of clergymen that are being challenged by these so-called "scientific discoveries", but the revelation of God Almighty.

That statement from Vatican I really needs to sink in to be fully felt. I encourage you to read, and re-read it a few times. Think about it with all the things that are floating around about "scientific discovery" these days. If "science" (i.e. the scientists who hide behind it) discover anything that contradicts the dogmas of the Church, it is wrong. We need to seek ways to apply this in all our thinking. Medical, environmental, astronomical, nutritional, no matter what it is, God's revelation through the Church takes precedent; all others are secondary. Take that to heart, please.


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