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Writer's pictureFr. Seraiah

Salve Regina (show unto us)

Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.

And after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

A reference to our life in this fallen world is given once again. And, once again, it recalls to our minds the sin of Adam and Eve. We do not use the word "banished", which refers to what happened to us, but rather the word "exile" which refers to who we are. "Exiles from God" some of the Saints used to say. The image is used in the Scriptures multiple times. It says that we are "exiles" from Heaven; not yet able to enter into that beatific vision of Christ because we have not yet finished our time in this "valley of tears". We are not yet sanctified and properly prepared to be in Christ's presence. Once that happens, we are welcomed fully with the rest of the Saints in Heaven.

At this point we ask the second petition. that would beThis also might be different from what you expect. It pleads with Mary to show us something. First we asked her to look at us, now we ask that we can look at something. Asking to be shown Jesus presumes all that is necessary for that to occur. Sanctification, redemption, justification, reconciliation, and the final purging of our sins that occurs after this life for those who die in grace. Asking to see Jesus is asking for that "beatific vision" I mentioned above. We are asking not to live forever, not to get out of Hell, but just to see Jesus. To look on the beauty of the Eternal Divine Savior is blessing enough. Anything less than that...well that would be Hell!

More to come...


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