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Cheerful Giving

Are you a cheerful giver? St. Paul tells us that we need to give to support the needs of the Church (which is also one of the Precepts of the Church), but he says that "God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:6-8) and wants us to understand the importance of that cheer. Put simply, God commands you to give to the Church, but He wants you to give out of a sense of appreciation for what He has given you. If you do not really appreciate what and how much He has given you, then it is hard to be cheerful about giving back to Him.

When someone has been blessed by another person, they often want to return the blessing. There is nothing that we can do that will equal the blessings that God has given us, but we are still called to recognize what He has done, and show Him our appreciation. That is why we must be thankful for His provisions, and sincerely and cheerfully seek to give back to Him, through His Church, for what He has done. So be aware of how He has blessed you, and show Him your gratitude with a cheerful heart.


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