"You must get an education!" You hear people say it all the time nowadays. Looking at the full weight of the admonition, I am a bit bewildered by it. It is not hard to find evidence that the vast majority of colleges in these USA (including even a number of the so-called Catholic ones), are filled with teachers that hate God and are trying their best to destroy anything to do with Christianity. I have a hard time understanding why any Catholic would intentionally send their children to an institution that will very likely draw them away from the Church and possibly even send them to Hell.
So then, why do so many people continue to encourage an "education"? Do not get me wrong: I am not saying that I want people to be stupid (we have more than enough ignorant people in the world today). I am saying that most colleges are not the way to get an education. I know that may sound contrary to reality, but the fact of the matter is, going to any one of the majority of colleges in America today is like eating a healthy meal laced with cyanide. It is definitely not worth it.
Certainly there are a few colleges that are not at war with God and the Church, but they are few and far between. The high numbers of children who "go off to college" and return having lost their faith should make every parent sit up and take notice. What could be their motivation to be willing to let their children in that environment?
I am going to guess that it is the presumption of a high paying job that they believe will result from a college degree (which has consistently been shown to be no longer a reality). Without thinking about the full consequences of their actions, it appears that many parents are deciding that money in this world is more important than being with Jesus in the next world. I know that they probably do not actually believe that, but that is what their actions are saying.
One thing that has pushed many parents along this line is the world's desire to catechize our children. The world, you see, does not want our children raised in the faith so they have trained everyone to think that "a college education" is essential, and then influenced us to follow suit and send our kids to them so they can ruin their hearts and minds. Sadly, many have given in and not realized what they have done until it is too late.
So then, be educated, but not by them. Learn and continue learning, according to the principles of the Catholic faith. Realize that "education" is not a neutral thing that anyone (regardless of their religious practice) can teach. Math without God, is a godless Math; history without God is a godless history; there is nothing that the pagans have not corrupted in their colleges. An atheist or a modernist is unable to teach any subject without including his errant philosophy. Did you know there was a time when parents who allowed their children to be educated by non-catholics were disciplined by the Church? Maybe that rule needs to be restored!?
Let us make sure that we are not just "educated", but that we are educated better than the world!