One of my favorite tv series is "The Twilight Zone". I like sci-fi, but I also really like the way that Rod Serling could make twists in a story that completely throw you a curve (he was doing it long before M. Night Shyamalan was born). It is also amazing how often Serling would include references to God, and I do not think it was merely a societal token.
In one episode, called "The Obsolete Man", the main character is on trial for being "obsolete". His vocation is a librarian, and the powers-that-be say that he is useless, "an anachronism", because the state is all powerful and no one reads books anymore because the state just tells them what to think and believe. In one scene, the main character says, "You cannot erase God by an edict". It is remarkable how prophetic that episode was.
The world today--and I am not only speaking of our government, but many others--tries to do so. It wants to remove Him completely from all creation, but of course that is impossible; it wants to force any reference of Him into the private realm so that they never have to think about Him, but that will not truly succeed either. I am sure you already know this, but God is everywhere, and He is involved in everything, so it is not possible to remove Him from anything. All someone can do is ignore Him; for a while.
It is interesting though, that the manner in which people today are attempting to remove God from American society "by edict" shows that it is not just a "separation of church and state" issue (which is gravely misunderstood by most people today, even a number of Catholics). If that were all they were after, then many of them would be content merely to ignore Him. No, they want Him removed because He convicts them by His mere existence. For example: I really do not like sushi, personally I do not care if sushi ceases to exist, but I have no desire to remove it from existence; I just ignore it. The only reason I would have to seek to eliminate it from the world, is if I believed that sushi could cause me and everyone else harm, and if sushi was threatening to me.
God can harm those who hate Him. He can judge them and send them to Hell for all eternity. Down deep everyone knows he is accountable to God, and will have to face Him on Judgment Day (it says this in the Scriptures many times). In the past people who thought like this usually hid it because they knew there were in the minority. Today they have become more bold, and are willing to acknowledge their evil (and even go so far as to call it good).
We do not want to be obnoxious in what we say to the world, but we cannot deny the truth. God is here; and there, and everywhere. There is no avoiding Him, and that should give us confidence and hope. Our greatest hope is the world's greatest fear.