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"Walking Together"

Writer's picture: Fr. SeraiahFr. Seraiah

I hear a lot of talk these days (from many different sources) about the need for priests to "walk together with their people" (which is what the word "synod" actually means: "walking together"). In principle, this is a good idea, but we need to apply it correctly and not use it as a justification for all kinds of compromise of the faith. So let's take this and apply it to the Mass.

When a priest says Mass versus populum (i.e. facing the people) is he "walking together" with them? If we really think about it our answer would have to be "no". The priest facing the people is not "walking together" at all. In fact, he is domineering over them because he faces them as though the Mass is all about him: "look at me!" It is extremely prideful for a clergyman to imagine that the Mass is about him (and likely a grave sin). Facing the people actually separates him from the people because, although he is trying to "be friendly", in reality he presents himself as a master overlooking his subjects (and it can make him feel that way as well).

If the priest, however, faces Christ along with his people, then he is truly "walking together" with them in the fullest sense (and it reminds him that he is a mere human and not a superstar). He faces the people when he speaks to them because then he is acting as Christ. The point of this ancient practice is to tell all of us (priest and people) that the Mass is all about Christ and so the priest only faces the people when Christ is speaking to the people. In humility, when the priest says Mass ad orientem (i.e. towards the "east") he can truly say to the people "look at our Lord with me" instead of "look at me". Although some criticize ad orientem Mass as being a "prideful display" of the priest, few things could be more inaccurate.

So then, who is being truly "synodal" in the Mass?


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