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Unequal Equality

Writer's picture: Fr. SeraiahFr. Seraiah

Today we live in what may very well be the most bigoted and intolerant society in the history of the world. There are many who are working tirelessly to make American society fully egalitarian; and they are creating the very opposite. You see, equality can only properly be accomplished in things that are truly equal. You cannot make unequal things become equal by merely passing a few (evil) laws and assuming that will make it so. It was Aristotle who said (2350 years ago) that "the worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things to be equal". He definitely got that one right.

We have been brainwashed to assume that "equality" is always a good thing. It is not. Equal pay for a newly hired employee and the employee who has been with the company for 40 years, is not a good equality. Equal punishment for the criminal who stole $100 from a cash register, and the criminal who raped and murdered 100 people is also not a good equality. This means that we all know that we should not try to make some things equal; lines have to be drawn.

To try to make men and women equal in sports is not only ridiculous, it is also wrong. To try to make any form of artistic expression equally acceptible is an attack on beauty. The vile opening ceremonies of the Olympics -- which has now become a grand display of athlete worship -- is a perfect example. It is displaying what is going on in their hearts all along. I truly question the integrity and faith of anyone who did not walk out immediately, never to return (I guess a gold medal is important enough to make someone deny Christ).

Understanding the proper order of things, and which things are of an equal nature and which are not is of vital importance. Children should be taught what is good and right so clearly that when they see what is bad and wrong they will recognize it immediately. Men are men (!). Women are women (!). And we can thank God for that reality. Men and women are equal heirs of salvation (as our first Pope St. Peter said). Their callings and roles in this world are not, however, equal. Let us make sure we know what those are and refuse to allow the lines to be blurred.


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