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Writer's pictureFr. Seraiah

Spiritual Distractions (again)

Have you ever been distracted by spiritual things? We all have at one time or another, and I have written about this before. The danger of being devoted to God, is that the devil wants to use it against us. He wants to send whatever spiritual novelties he can find to distract us from the real task at hand. A story about a miracle, an article about a bad Bishop, or a comment thread criticizing modernism; all of these can be used against us, even if they are not bad in themselves.

The point I want to make is this: ask yourself why you are interested. There are a number of passages in the Scriptures that tell us to be content in God, and not to be busybodies in business that is not ours. It is hard to keep that balance of being well informed, and yet minding our own business. In the end it is more an issue of our motivation. When we are drawn to spiritual novelty merely because we are curious or bored, then we are in danger of seeking good things for all the wrong reasons. If, however, we are seeking to become stronger in our faith and use it for the good of others, then we have the right motivations.

Remember, the devil will use whatever he can against you. In C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters he shows how the devil is indiscriminate about these things. In fact, he has Screwtape say one time that it is easiest to destroy the faith of someone with things that are of the faith; since they will let their guard down about those things. Keep your guard up; stand fast in seeking the good for the right reasons: the glory of God.


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