I heard it again. Someone asked a question and the response was "there's an app for that!". Yikes! I have said before that there are apps to help us with spiritual issues, but there is not an app for spirituality itself; that is something that we each need to do on our own. I can, though, go further with this truth. While there's not an "app for that", there is always a "Scripture" for that!
It might sound weird, but Scripture really does speak to every issue. No, it may not be immediately clear to us because we have to learn how to apply Scripture rightly to our modern situation. For example, the Bible does not mention computers, or social media, but if you spend enough time in the Scriptures you will find how its lessons and principles do apply to things in the world today. Everything is touched on in the Bible because God knew that we would need it. Nothing is completely hidden, it only has to be discovered.
Look to the written word of God and learn from it. You do not need to understand every detail to gain from it. You do not need to be a perfect interpreter to recognize the truths that it puts forward. Trust the Lord to guide you with His grace and His Holy Ghost will help you see what you need to see.