Years ago, there was a story in the news about an 18 year old who sued his parents for "parental malpractice". He was asking for $350,000. I do not recall if he won the case or not. At the time I was shocked that any child would be that ungrateful for what his parents had done for him. I did not know his situation, but I have heard of many people who had poor upbringings and handled it with much more respect (and dignity).
Although I do not want to see a number of "parental malpractice" suits in the courts, I am surprised that there are not more children suing their parents today. Mostly because I see how most parents are raising their children these days. They allow them to become addicted to all kinds of horrible drugs: youtube, facebook, snapchat, instagram, etc. They refuse to discipline them when they sin ("time out" is not discipline). They allow them to go to schools that teach them all kinds of heresy and "woke" ideology.
I suppose we could say that the children who were poorly raised a generation ago, are now raising their own children even worse. The quote from the Old Testament where God says that He "visits the sins of the fathers on the third and fourth generation" is certainly fitting. Bad parenting (almost always) leads to even more bad parenting. Parents: no matter how bad you were brought up, break the cycle. Seek the wisdom of the Word of God, especially Proverbs, Wisdom of Solomon, and Sirach; these books are filled with parenting wisdom beyond your imagination.
Let this be the generation that turns things around and leads their children to holiness and righteousness. Do not listen to the world's understanding of parenting; that will only lead to damnation. Hear the beautiful words of our Lord and Savior: "parents bring your children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."