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Not in the Bible

Why is the Assumption not referred to in the Bible? Some people say it is why they doubt the truth of it. It is not really a big problem, in spite of the way many protestants claim it is. There are actually many things that are not referred to in the Bible; far more than protestants are comfortable to admit. This is because the Bible was not given to us as an encyclopedia. It is given to help us to be saved. If we presume that it covers every topic we can ever imagine, then we do it an injustice. The Scriptures are perfect and inerrant; but they are not comprehensive.

So the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is not found in Scripture; neither is the specific details of the death of the majority of the Apostles; neither is the order for the Mass. God chose for the event of the Assumption to be out of the view of most people, but seen by enough so that the truth of it could be passed down to us. He also decided that we needed to believe it, so the Church declared it as authoritative dogma. Let us humble ourselves before the Lord and realize there is "more in Heaven and Earth" than we know.


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