I know the Scriptures fairly well. Most protestants are expected to learn the Bible and be able to quote big sections of it, and I am a former protestant. I got my Bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies with a minor in Biblical Languages. I also have a Master's degree in Pastoral Theology. Sadly, however, I would say that I, like most other protestants, learned a lot about the words of the Bible, but very little about what the Bible actually says. It is one thing to quote passages of Scripture and entirely another thing to know what it means. Anyone can teach someone how to memorize parts of the Bible; few can teach what it actually is saying.
Now, as a Catholic, I can say that I know how to interpret the Scriptures. Now I know what the Apostles were saying, and what their understanding of theology was like. Just knowing the wording of the Old and New Testament does little to guarantee a person understands God. After all, there is a reason why there are thousands of protestant denominations and many thousands of independent protestant non-denominational congregations; they all disagree on what the Bible says (which proves that they do not know what the Bible means). There is only one Catholic Church and she still holds to the same truths she held to 2000 years ago.
Having the Bible knowledge that I do, I am very thankful that the Lord allowed me to learn what the words are well enough so that when I was exposed to the teachings of the Catholic Church I could see what they are saying. Numerous times in the last 12 years of me being Catholic, I have come across a certain Catholic teaching, and then the numerous verses that speak of that very issue come to mind in a flood. It is truly a great joy to "open" your eyes and say "that's what they meant all along!"
This is all to say that you should learn the Bible. Read it, and let it fill you heart and mind. You do not need to know the theological meaning of every passage (of most passages, for that matter). Just learn what God has said and done. Then pray that the Lord would teach you His truth. Learn what the Church has said, and you will see the words of the Scriptures meld perfectly with Church teaching. Sometimes it takes a good deal of time for it all to come together. Be patient; God is still working on you.