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How to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy (3)

The other thing that the Trent Catechism tells us that is necessary for the sanctification of Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation is that those days are supposed to be focused on time spent with one's family. This is where the deepest part of rest comes: time with family (not time with sports teams, time with preparing the report for work, or time with avoiding everyone) is a separation from the world, our jobs, and the hectic rush of the day to day grind.

After all, family is the foundation of society and therefore our own family is vital to our well being. Yes, there are many people who are not married, and live alone. For them, they must make an extra effort to seek to join with their extended family (or, maybe, those who have families need to start inviting them over on Sundays!).

I am not speaking, however, about just sitting in the same room with one's family. No, the way that we gather together is important, because it is not some insignificant thing like a civic holiday; this is the Lord's Day! Thus playing a game together with one's family is a joyous part of sanctifying the day; sitting on the porch shooting the breeze fits well, but do something together. Be in each other's presence. By this we are sanctifying the day, because we are making sure that we do "special things" on Sunday and this keeps it worshipful, peaceful, and restful.

This is why the Sunday obligation is most proper on Sunday. Yes, it is true that right now in the history of the Church, Catholics are allowed to fulfill their Sunday obligation on Saturday evening (though this was not always the case). Be aware, however, that the Saturday allowance was supposed to be for those who cannot make it on Sunday, and not just "another option" for fulfilling our obligation. Those who choose to attend the Saturday evening vigil Mass for Sunday should do something on Sunday that helps to keep worship at the center (morning and evening prayer, a family rosary, etc.). Again, we are supposed to sanctify Sundays and Holy Days of obligation, and not the day before the Sunday or Holy Day.

Remember, in all these things, the Church gives us these guidelines to help, not hinder, our path to Heaven. They are only hard if we are so used to doing things in the world's way that we resist changing our habits. The world has a corrupt way of viewing work and rest and we are supposed to live differently from them. Yes, many of us have been more influenced by worldliness than by the Word of God, but the grace of God can help each of us to overcome these things. He is always willing to give us grace to obey Him; especially in the third commandment.


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