Some have said that there are no holidays for atheists. Although April Fools Day seems fitting--they are technically correct; almost. Whenever men reject the ways of God, they will always replace God's things with their own things. When men reject the liturgical calendar of the Church, then they will seek to develop their own "godless" calendar. There are currently a number of "holidays" on the civic calendar that either have nothing to do with Christianity (which means they are not actually "holy-days"), or they have found "unchristian" ways of celebrating them.
How is this done, you may ask? They celebrate St. Valentine's Day with no real reference to Saint Valentine himself (he was a martyr, in case you did not know). They celebrate Christmas with no reference to Christ (Santa is fine for them as long as you leave Jesus out of His birthday). Easter means nothing more to them than bunnies, eggs, and bright colors. There are many more that I could list, but you get the idea. These are essentially paganized atheistic versions of these holy-days (i.e. "holidays").
So then, the question should be asked, how should we celebrate these "non-holy holidays"? Are they all "ok" because they do not openly reject Christ? Or, are they all bad because they do not refer to Christ? Neither is accurate. Some holidays we should definitely avoid (Hannukah or Passover, for example). Others just need caution (for example, if we show more respect to our soldiers on Memorial Day than we do for Christ at any other time of the year, something is seriously wrong).
If it is a day given us by the Church, let us observe it as the Church has called us to, and not just give in to a modernized secular version of it. If it is given us by the state (which is today, largely pagan), then let us be cautious, and make sure that in all things we give God all the glory, and show thanks for the many blessings we receive at His hand.