I am currently on my annual spiritual retreat and, yes, I am writing this post. No, it is not taking me away from my retreat, it is a part of my retreat. I know that might sound odd, but hear me out.
Do you think of your calling as part of who you are, or only the means by which you earn money or fulfill you duty? No, we are not equivalent to "our calling", as though you cannot be separated from your job; that is definitely not what I mean.
I am pointing out that you should never think of your calling (whether store clerk, nurse, mother, student, etc.) as merely something that you do because you need to. Your current calling is not an accident that you have to deal with, but in some way it can be a part of your spiritual well being if you engage with it properly.
Whenever a person "puts up with" his job, and just goes through the motions because it needs to be done, he disconnects himself from the grace that God wants to give him in that very calling. I know someone who lives this way, and I try regularly to turn him from it, but he continues to allow his work to control his life (and sometimes even his faith!).
So whatever you may be called to today, God is capable of using it for your sanctification. Are you a farmer? Then farm for God (because they are His animals or crops first!). Are you a policeman? Then protect for God (because that is His community that you are protecting!). Are you a teacher? Then teach for God (because those are His people or children that you are teaching!). When performed this way, a whole new dimension is opened up to your faith; and God wants to be in it.
So for me, whether it is writing a post, preparing a homily, or counseling people on life's challenges, I try to present it to God as an offering and ask Him to use it for my holiness as well as for those to whom I minister. God is present in every aspect of life; make sure that you acknowledge it and you will be blessed beyond what you realize.