What if I said feminists are male chauvinists? Would you believe me if I said that the foundational principle of feminism was that men are inherently superior to women? If feminism was only about protecting women from being abused, or about helping women to be delivered from being treated like slaves, then I would see some good in it. I cannot support it, though. I do not believe that women are inherently inferior to men, so I consider feminism to be an ungodly and cruel belief system.
Now, in case you thought I got all my terms wrong, let me prove my point. Although there are a few who think otherwise, the vast majority of feminists today believe that feminism teaches that women are either completely equal to men, or (more often) that they are superior to men. The problem is, that is totally inconsistent with what they are doing. If feminists really were trying to promote the cause of all women, then they would stop encouraging women to behave like men.
Masculinity and femininity are clear traits (regardless of how many people try to deny this). To encourage women to be more masculine (i.e. tough, bold, aggressive, etc.) is essentially saying that being feminine is not good. Think of how many "tough" or "strong" women are in movies nowadays (I am fed up with watching movies where a ninety pound girl bounces around like a rubber ball and knocks out five muscle bound guys in ten seconds). They are not encouraging women to rejoice in how they were created -- they are telling women it is good to hide their femininity -- with medical procedures, pills, and the outright rejection of motherhood. To reject all that is beautiful about womanhood (especially as it is seen in the Blessed Virgin Mary), is not beautiful, and it is definitely not "pro-woman".
Thus, I am not a feminist, precisely because I believe in the beauty and power of women. I believe that they should not be treated as slaves and forced to become something contrary to what God has created them to be. I believe that we should protect women from false notions that tell them femininity is wrong. I want women to be freed from the societal pressures that tell them that they need to be like men in order to be worthy of respect (actually most masculine women are very hard to respect). God knew what He was doing when He created women; let us make sure that we let women be women.