What does it mean to be unafraid to die? I am not referring to people with a death wish (they are probably afraid to die, but just want to get it over with). For us, as the faithful of God, are we afraid to die? If we spend much of our lives obsessing about health and becoming fanatical in our efforts to try to stay alive until we are at least 110 years old, then we are clearly afraid to die. If we spend tons of money to make ourselves look like we are 30 years younger than we actually are, then we are afraid to die.
The Saints give a powerful testimony of what it means for one not to be afraid to die. The most significant thing that they tell us is this: grow your faith in God, and His love for you, and fear of death will steadily and clearly dissolve. In other words, if we properly fear God (as in reverence and awe), we will not fear death. If we improperly fear God (as in terror of an angry beast) then we will fear death.
It is specific virtue of the Catholic faith that we are to live our lives in confidence of God. We are called to strive to be ready to meet the Lord at any moment of any day (whether we have a deadly disease, are in mortal combat, or just sitting back at home). Many times in the Scriptures we are told there are things to fear and things that we should never fear. Let us learn the difference and keep ourselves in the faith. Keep yourself in the love and trust of God in all things and you will stay on the path of righteousness.