When was the last time you did something you really did not want to do? Did you just put up with it, or were you forced into it? Did you have a good attitude about it when it happened? Now, a bigger question: when was the last time you intentionally did something you really did not want to do? As in: no one forced you, and you willingly chose to do it because you were seeking to strengthen your spiritual resolve and help yourself to find holiness.
Some people might think I am crazy for saying this, but you should do this often. Whenever I can push myself enough, I do this. I keep it quiet, in order "not to let my right hand know what my left hand is doing". In fact, just recently I chose something at a meal that I do not like; it is as simple as that. There are many ways we can practice this habit, and it has numerous benefits to it. Most notably, it helps us to endure other things that we do not like which we are unable to avoid.
We in America are so used to getting and choosing what we want, that this might be extra difficult for us, but the benefits are beyond explanation. It could even help us to learn how pampered we are, and help us to see ourselves in a different light. We could end up appreciating all the blessings that God has given to us, and be more thankful for what we do have.
These small "endurances" are the daily penances for our sins that we can offer up to God as a part of our growth in salvation. They are not sufficient to replace the Sacrament of Confession, yet if they are done in connection to the regular practice of Confession there is a wonderful grace that comes through these actions. This is something we think about doing during Lent (i.e. "giving up something for Lent"), but it is never wrong to do this at other times.
So, what can you do today that you do not want to do? Maybe do an unpleasant task for someone else. Maybe you could sit in a chair you dislike. Maybe you could wear an uncomfortable pair of shoes. There are so many ways that I do not have enough room to list them. If you truly seek to grow in holiness, God will always help you find the ways that are best for you.