I recall once, soon after having watched a "cops and robbers" movie (one of the older ones where the good guys actually are good guys and they actually do win in the end--I know, that's really old, huh?), I read a news report about a criminal being caught. The thought went through my mind: do criminals, like murderers, rapists, and thieves, like to watch movies where criminals get caught? If so, who do they root for? How does their conscience respond? Do they ever feel condemned by the story? Is there an inner struggle that shows up in their hearts pushing them to repent and turn themselves in? Now, there is an irony: convicts who resist conviction!
I know I do not want to watch movies that attack the faith (and there are more and more of them lately--if you are unaware of any, you either do not watch many movies, or you are in serious need of discernment!). One thing we can be thankful for is when Hollyweird attacks the Church and her Lord, she always ends up showing her own foolishness (because truth is pretty hard to say anything against that is of any value).
Of course, pagans never like to have their sins pointed out, so they usually avoid situations that put them on the spot; even if it is through an entertainment venue. Can you imagine a pervert watching "Fireproof" or atheist watching "Nefarious" and appreciating it? This is the same reason why people do not like being around priests or the church when they are living in sin -- except for those few whose consciences are dead and they do not care at all.
Let us each seek to guard our consciences and make sure that we continually work to keep them properly formed so that we do not slip from our standing. Only the presumptuous would assume that there is no danger in the world today. Make certain that you still experience things like conviction, and guilt. And if it is missing in your life, you need to go seek it out; God is patient and wants to see you repent.