Attachment to JesusFr. SeraiahMay 5, 20241 min read"[Some baptized Catholics are] still without any explicit personal attachment to Jesus Christ; they only have the capacity to believe placed within them by Baptism and the presence of the Holy Spirit."Pope St. John Paul II
"[Some baptized Catholics are] still without any explicit personal attachment to Jesus Christ; they only have the capacity to believe placed within them by Baptism and the presence of the Holy Spirit."Pope St. John Paul II
OrderJust as St. Thomas Aquinas was able to read Aristotle and see God's truth in places, so also can we find truth in other places in the...
Wash Your FaceHave you ever noticed that the gospel reading for Ash Wednesday has Jesus telling us to "wash our faces"? Many people have said they...
Good ExamplesAre workers and businesses doing a worse job than before, or are people just complaining more? Almost every day that I read the news (and...