In Mass today, the first reading was from the prophet Ezekiel. He tells us there that God knows when rulers and politicians exalt themselves. He also tells us that God promises to bring down those who see themselves as gods. Very few today would actually say this out loud (there are, however, a few people in Washington DC these days with almost as much pride as the devil).
So when you sit back and worry about what is going to happen to this nation we live in, remember this passage. Remember that those who are drunk with their own self-importance will someday be brought down. We may not see it, but that is not necessary for justice (only for our personal pride), but it will happen. God never fails to bring justice, He only waits until the right time and we are the ones who get impatient.
As the passage in Ezekiel says, God tells these prideful rulers: "Because you consider yourself as wise as a god, therefore, behold, I will bring strangers upon you, the most terrible of the nations; and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom and defile your splendor." Their day of reckoning is coming; I pray they repent before they fall into the hands of the Judge of all men.