What If???!!!
Yes, I know you are not supposed to put more than one question or exclamation mark. But I got your attention, right? Besides, this is a...
Yes, I know you are not supposed to put more than one question or exclamation mark. But I got your attention, right? Besides, this is a...
As most of you have probably heard, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's health is declining. We have been asked to pray for him as he leaves...
How negative are you? Think about it for just a moment. Now, ask yourself, what did you mean by "negative"? Did you mean "grumpy and...
Maybe you have heard the story of Ted Bundy, how he confessed that he once was going to harm a girl but stopped at the last minute. She...
Elmer forgot to give his wife, Gladys, a gift on their 40th anniversary. He felt awful and wanted to make up for it. He asked her what he...
OK, seriously! It's Christmas. Get off the internet and go spend some quality time with your loved ones! (I didn't even post this today...
It is getting down to the wire. As I write this, Christmas day is less than 24 hours away. So then, are you ready? You should know I am...
I recall years ago when I cut back radically on my consumption of processed sugar. It took quite a while, but I did eventually notice a...
I recall once, in those years when I thought I was the smartest person on earth (otherwise known as "teenager"), an adult (whom I respect...
Hebrews 8:3-9:1 "For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices; hence it is necessary for this priest also to have...
"Father, why in the world is there a skull on your desk?" Ok, well, it is not a real skull, but I know it really does look real. It sits...
Many are discussing the recent laicization of Frank Pavone. I do not know much about the situation, but I do think it is wise to remember...
This is my most favorite and least favorite season of the year. Yes, I know that does not make any sense. It is my most favorite for two...
As Catholics we all know that the liturgical year begins in Advent. From what I have seen from most Catholics today, however, the...
Do you believe in dragons? I am not asking if you think they are roaming the earth today; but do you think a big scary animal existed...